I offer you comprehensive and personal advice on the Terminationprotection. I support you in the run-up to a Termination and give you tactical advice on what you need to pay attention to. An initial consultation is a good option for this. Depending on the case, this lasts between 45-60 minutes. A so-called initial consultation fee is payable for this. This is €180.00 plus VAT. If a legal dispute arises afterwards, I will add this to the further Costs I usually only accept cases that have a chance of success. If that is not the case for you, I will tell you openly and honestly. This will directly assess your CostsRisk
In a labour court procedure, you must first appoint your lawyercosts always bear the costs yourself. This also applies to the opposing party. You therefore do not bear the risk of having to pay the lawyer’s fees in the event of losing the case.costs The courts have to bear the costs of the opponent. Costs In the case of a lawsuit, the following example is given: If you earn an average of €4,500.00 gross per month, then you must expect €1,645.00 to €2,295.05 in lawyer’s fees.costs nd up to 439.50 € courtcosts calculate.
Lawyers are generally prohibited from offering so-called contingency fees. This is only possible in individual cases. I will check with you whether such a remuneration model is an exception for you. If you do not have the financial means to pay the lawyers' and court fees,costs then you may be able to Legal aid In this case, the state will pay the costs CostsI will be happy to support you with these applications. If you have a Legal expenses insurance for the area of labor law, then you usually only have to pay your deductible. If you wish, I can take over all communication with your insurance company. You then don't have to worry about anything else."
You can now determine the amount of your possible Severance pay costscalculate the price. I will then be happy to discuss your chances of success with you and work with you to find your optimum solution. CostsI will then be happy to discuss your prospects of success with you and work with you to find your optimal